Ok, that works out pretty well for me. Basically, I'm taking a series of 2D figures (like the one below), and turning them into a 3D model (my progress thus far also below). The research group I'm with is working on spinal cord stimulation, specifically running FEA of electrode arrays on solid...
Thanks a lot, the boundary surface method seems to be more promising than lofting. However, trying to recreate it on my own, I keep getting an error that it produces self-intersecting geometry. Is there a good way to fix this? I really appreciate your taking the time to help.
Ok, I took all the extraneous stuff out, leaving only the feature I'm having problems with (only 13MB now). Thanks a lot everyone.https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0BwVX99th3bL0Y2NmNzFhYzEtMjczZi00M2Y0LWJiNzUtN2VjNmZmMjc5NmU1&hl=en&authkey=CMf2u6QC
Sorry -- google docs doesn't seem to like .sldprt files. This seems to work though.
Thanks for the quick response.https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0BwVX99th3bL0MWZmZDhmNjAtZDU3OS00YWM0LTg5NDktZDNhNzQ0MTNkNGUx&hl=en&authkey=CNqq9LUJ
I'm trying to render a 3D model of a rat spinal cord using Solidworks 2010, and am having problems doing surface lofts. I've used AutoTrace on each cross section, then fit a spline, and split each one into equal number of segments. For some reason, I have no problems lofting between some...