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  1. gmax137

    TVA Browns Ferry: Local Blackout, On Emergency Power Due To Tornado

    Re: four hours and seven days. The plant Tech Specs typically require seven days diesel fuel onsite in seismic, tornado-proof tanks. The station blackout rule (10CFR50.63) requires demonstration that the plant can 'cope' with loss of the emergency diesels and loss of the offsite AC power for a...
  2. gmax137

    San Onofre plant

    Try to find a copy of NUREG-0712, "SAFETY EVALUATION REPORT RELATED TO THE OPERATION OF SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNITS 2 AND 3" this is the NRC evaluation report (1981) that concludes by granting the operating license to the plant. Including the supplements it's probably 1000...
  3. gmax137

    Jobs in nuclear engineering

    The sky is the limit, man. You can do whatever you really want to, if you have the brains and the interpersonal relationship senses.
  4. gmax137

    CANDU and Coal-fossil power plant heat rejection

    For completeness, should note that the B&W units with once-through SGs do produce some superheat, though not so much as a fossil boiler.
  5. gmax137

    Is it compliant to certify A 193 B7 material as A 194 2H nuts?

    And I thought I was the only one here who cared about Whitworth fasteners [glasses]
  6. gmax137


    Well, how sophisticated (accurate) do your answers need to be? Given the coolant inlet & outlet temperatures and pressures, you can look up the enthalpies. Don't have inlet & outlet pressures? - recognize that the small variation in pressure doesn't affect the enthalpy much. Multiply core...
  7. gmax137


    Maybe some of you guys should move into project management, you seem to have a better grasp of what needs to be done there than the guys currently in those positions. So, what's stopping you? You'd be doing your company and your fellow employees a favor.
  8. gmax137

    Set pressure of safety valve

    Do I understand the situation: the lowest set safety valve is set at the design pressure, and there are additional safety valves set at higher and higher set pressures? That's the situation I have seen (many times) in the main steam piping in nuclear units (B31.1 power piping). The...
  9. gmax137

    APR 1400 for UAE- mixing vanes integrity?

    Mixing vane grids have been used in power reactors since the mid 1970s (if not earlier). The vanes are formed as 'tabs' as part of the grid - they aren't welded on; and (maybe) most important, they don't have a 60 year service life, they are part of the fuel bundle and therefore have to last...
  10. gmax137

    APR 1400 for UAE- mixing vanes integrity?

    hmmm ... I don't think mixing vane grids are a new idea.
  11. gmax137

    Compressed Air Receivers

    I think maybe what you're missing is the idea that the compressor loads on a low pressure setpoint and unloads when the pressure is restored to a high setpoint. So even though the machine runs constantly, it cycles. The pressure measurement is taken at the receiver. More sophisticated...
  12. gmax137

    Piping branch flow calculations

    katmar said "My concern with the solutions from powerful software is always the old 'garbage in = garbage out' problem." I worked with a guy (ex-Navy Chief) who changed that old GIGO to "Garbage in, Gospel out" I always thought that was pretty funny and it actually describes the phenomenon...
  13. gmax137

    Tag numbers for manual valves?

    I can say that as mentioned above, "all" the valves in the nuclear power plants are tagged. And not just in the 'nuclear' systems, but also in the balance of plant, down to the service air, auxiliary steam, even potable water systems. I was at one plant in the mid 1980s where large parts of...
  14. gmax137

    North Carolina nuclear waste

    Sorry about my last post - it reads more harsh than I meant it to.
  15. gmax137

    North Carolina nuclear waste

    "I too, cannot accept 'igniting' as a plausible result of overheating." Why is that? Zirconium fires during machining operations are a well known and observed phenomenon. Please note, I'm not disagreeing, I'm just of the opinion that someone saying "I don't think so" is pretty worthless. And...
  16. gmax137

    North Carolina nuclear waste

    SECY-08-0036 (available on the NRC website: http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/commission/secys/2008/secy2008-0036/2008-0036scy.html ) provides a pretty detailed summary of the SFP zirconium fire issue, with a number of citations to further documents. It also addresses the issue in...
  17. gmax137

    North Carolina nuclear waste

    "the danger of the fuel rods igniting is raised that would cause contamination for thousands of square miles...I am not familiar with that publication, but am curious to know if anyone actually in the industry is aware of this concern." " Everyone in the industry is aware of this and it is not...
  18. gmax137

    metal material supplier???

    @davefitz - I too thought this was a weird thread, from its OP and thru most replies. None of the component items mentioned in the OP are in the "user serviceable" category...
  19. gmax137

    piston rings & sealing against cylinder wall

    Well one thing I have learned from this thread is that I don't know much about rings. Can you guys point me to a good treatment of ring dynamics? I was surprised to learn that the ring is forced against the bottom of the groove while the piston is descending. In my mind's eye, I saw the...
  20. gmax137

    piston rings & sealing against cylinder wall

    Once the piston is beyond TDC (ie, on its way down) don't the drilled ports actually bypass the ring? Provide a path from above the piston to the underside of the ring (since the ring is hard up against the top of the groove). Maybe I don't have a clear picture of the geometry involved. Do...