To more directly answer, my opinion would be that the U-1 is fine stating the nozzles welded directly to the shell, and omitting the connecting piping, as long as the connecting piping falls outside the scope of section VIII, div 1.
I'm not sure on the follow up, but I would hope so.
The scope of the Section VIII, Div1 can end at the first circumfrential joint where external piping connects (valves, reducers, welding ends).
Those welds could fall under a piping code however.
See U-1(e)(1)
We don't sell any of our work to the EU. If we wanted to export, it would fall under PED, yes. Most, if not all, of our sales are in one state in the US.
Thanks for the replies.
Its definitely not for PED, it gets used on the end of a steam service line to provide steam for food processing. It would not be section I or VIII piping. We are keeping records as if it would be installed in a B31.1 power piping line.
My company is interested in making small, prefabricated steam piping components (seperators and filter housings). We hold U,R, and PP stamps. Some of these units will end up in piping that is covered by B31.1, mostly 50 PSIG steam lines. What are our documentation requirements for these small...
Does anyone know of a method to estimate the overall heat transfer coefficient for a triple tube heat exchanger? I have purchased a couple papers on the subject, but none of them seem to have a complete picture of what I need, more like several small snapshots.
Any websites, books, papers?