There isn't a limitation of 775 F in VIII or in Section II. The allowable stress tables in Section II for most carbon steels stop at 900 F. The notes in the allowable stress tables in Section II for most of the carbon steels refer to the chance of graphitization occuring from prolonged...
Thanks, I've told them they should install some thermocouples on the vessel to get readings on the metal temperature.
We're not making any recommendations, just supplying some information to them.
I've seen a few vessel such as this one that were built in the 1940's that are still operating...
Thanks for the reponse, yeah I have the 1949 ASME code but allowable stresses in the API-ASME code are higher than the ASME code. I've found the allowable stress for A-70 in the 1943 API-ASME code, but A-285-C replaced A-70 in 1947. In the 1951 API-ASME code A-285-C stops at 900 F. The client...
I need to find the allowable stress for SA-285-C at 950 and 1,000 degrees F from the API-ASME pressure vessel code that would have been applicable for a vessel built in 1950. Also if the thickness formula for cylindrical shells is different from the ASME code I would need that also.