Thanks for the reply. The problem with using the text feature and extrude is machining time. Machining and programing a subtracted text feature takes much longer than running the NX CAM engraving program (hours as opposed to minutes). This might be something R&D should look into because I'm sure...
Is there any way to have drafting annotation follow a curve? We are trying to engrave on the outside of a hole following the OD. Is there a way to use the drafting annotation follow the OD so we can use the engraving function in CAM?
We use the moldwizard pocket feature and this what it does. It takes a false body(a solid that you create that has all your clearances)links it into your component and subtracts it. You can take all 600 of your components and link them into your assembly, make the component you want them...
I am running NX8. In previous versions I used to be able to draw a line at a midpoint of a channel and it would run parallel with an edge until I picked a stop point. For example I have engraving text on a dumb body that manufacturing needs to cut. What I want to do is draw a line in-between the...
I'm running NX8 and when I went to update my parts list I had a section end up on another sheet and I can't figure out how to move to the sheet I need.
I've tried deleting and recreating it and it does the same thing.
I'm running NX8 and I'm trying to reassociate an extracted face. For some reason I can't reselect it. I have to create a new one. Any one have this issue also?
We are trying to use the "assemblies -site standards- part name version" feature in the customer defaults of NX8 to control revisions. The problem we have now is the manufacturing guys use a different folder for their programs. If you use this feature you need to have the "from folder" or...
We are running NX8 and are trying to integrate feature based machining. When the create process dialog comes up it asks for rule based or template based. Since we are using templates for our current cam functions instead of rule based Id like to know what it looks for in a template. I get an...
Here would be a replacment part that we would do a replace component with.