Hi muralimanoj
the reason why the nodes in case a) are not being merged is becaus they are otuside the tolerance. As you can easily see in case b) every node of the fine mesh is coincident with a node in the coarse mesh. This is not the case in case a). If the fine elements are exactly half the...
Hi all,
I'm trying to get the j-integral of a crack at a material interface. I have a stiff linear elastic material on the one side and a hyperelastic material on the other side. I model a seam crack at the interface of these materials so I can calculate the j-integral. It works very fine if I...
Hi all,
I need to calculate the j-integral at the interface of two different materials with significally different stiffnesses. If I use two materials with nearly the same stiffness in this model the analysis works well. But if the stiffnesses differ significally the analysis doesn't converge...
Finally I found out that the error message occurs when a "penny-shaped" crack is modelled on a geometry. Again, I wrote the model to an input file and imported the orphan mesh to define the crack on the mesh. The problem that arises here is that, if the orphan mesh includes collapsed hexahedral...
Yes I do have regular mesh along the crack line. It looks just like the circular crack in the Example Problems Manual. I attached a picture of the mesh.http://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=667e567a-8679-4b23-9352-422ee9f0031c&file=crack_mesh_1.png
Thanks for the reply Mustaine3,
I have circular partitions around the crack tip so the mesh is circular. just like in the example problems manual. With wedge elements adjacent to the crack tip and brick elements around the wedge elements. I can't see any difference to the mesh in the example...
Dear all,
I`m trying to calculate the j-integral with 3D-Elements and I keep getting the error message "The following contour integral objects contains regions that cannot be mapped into layers of node sets". I`ve made circular mesh around the crack tip with quadratic wedge elements in the...