Hi Tuw,
Did you try "Tools-->Routing Bill of Materials" from Routing Application...
If it is not listing the stock data, check in the customer defaults whether stock data is selected to be added in Routing BOM.
Hope it helps...
I want to set one of the characteristics of wire stock to "LENGTH" attribute which is generated automatically by NX Routing. In documentation, it is mentioned that, in Routing there is an option to define a "Reference Characteristic" (whose direct value will be the name of another characteristic...
I'm trying to load routing administration files from Teamcenter. After configuring as per NX documentation, when i opened Routing Electrical, i'm getting "Error No: 1945057" and Routing Electrical did not open. Can anyone help me know what Error No: 1945057 means or where to refer for the...
Hi John,
Thanks for replying. But i tried <W$=@length>*<W$=@length> and it works. i.e., it returns a number. Also, i set two number attributes var1 & var2 to a component and in the part list tried <W$=@var1>*<W$=@var2> and it returns the product.So, I think it doesn't work only for the wire...
I'm using NX Routing Electrical tool and have assigned WEIGHT per unit length attribute(characteristic) for the wire stock data in the .ptb file. While generating BOM, i'm trying to calculate the Weight for the wire by setting <W$=@WEIGHT>*<W$=@length> as Default text inside a BOM Column.Also...
Hi marky4556,
I'm also trying to do the same thing and it works fine. I'm getting the weight for the cable but it adds up the weights of all the wires inside the cable. So, if i assign a weight of 1 kg/m for my cable in ptb file, and the cable is having 3 wires (cores) inside, the weight is...