I had planned to hire a structural engineer to evaluate the I-beam twist before I enclosed it within new finished walls, I just wanted to get as many comments from this forum as possible to be more prepared. I do think that since the beam has been twisted for at least 8 years like this without...
Forgot to add some information that might be useful:
1. I-beam sits 4" within concrete foundation notch
2. 2"x10"x15 wood floor joists @ 16"OC sit on both sides of the I-beam (house is 30 feet wide and 41 feet long)
I have lived in an A-frame house with a basement for 8 years that has a 41 foot long steel I-beam (12" x 6.5" x 3/8" thick) in the basement.
Notice in the picture above that one end of the I-beam sits on a shelf cut into the concrete wall:
Then 9 feet down the beam there is an adjustable...