How about battery technology? Is there a better type of battery (NiMH, NiCad, Li-ion, etc.)than others? How will the choice of battery and its charging characteristics will effect the choice of motor and/or control system?
The main goal for the robot is endurance. It is meant to roam around as...
The power to the motors are controled by a computer. Similar to a stability system in AWD carso nthe road, this system, in theory at least, RPM of all wheels and adjusts power to the motors. In theory, therefore, the same system can route ane power coming back from a motor. I have not though...
Thank you for your explanation.
I am working on a prototype robot which will get around on wheels. Each wheel has its own motor. So, can I use any DC motor in my machine? Can I expect the batteries to receive a charge, even if it is a small amount, by cutting the power to the motors and let the...