I know that external body material not is for ballistic protection. But I know that ss109 doesent penetreat 6mm thick ballistic steel, the rumour says if you put an 0.8mm thick body plate before the ballistic steel it’s going to pentreat both.
Thank for the information!
Rolled homogeneous armor was new keyword for me=) Allegheny Ludlum makes aluminium, that no so interesting for me. The Mittalsteel is more interesting!
I have found some information about SSAB's Armox and Protect, Thyssen Krupp's Secure, Ruuki's Ramor and some more...
Ok thanks!
I have understand that is complex, but I'm must interested in armour cars. What kind of steel do the use and who is manufacture the steel. But it's a top secret branch!
I’m interested in ballistic steel and want to know more about it!
I have heard about the phenomenon called the body work effect (ss-109 penetrate an outer skin before it hits the ballistic steel) and reed a little on the Internet about it. Does anybody know something about it?
And I also...