I have got the model to run using Abaqus/Explicit, general contact.
For the interaction property I have Tangential Behaviour with a Friction coeff of 0.3, and normal behaviour of a hard contact. Ideally I want to have truss elements behind the block to determine the stress in them as the car...
Getting tie constraints and trying various Interaction properties to work were difficult. When the model ran the part hit the wall and just bounced back and kept gpoing back, even after setting the contact as a rough contact with no slip after contact. Tried a lot of variations before someone...
The problem is to test the impact of the attentuator, the front end of an F1 car, when it hits a wall. After trying to complete this computationally as a contact analysis with constriants and interaction properties I was pulling my hair out. I got the idea seeing as it is a very simple problem...
I have three parts to model but once I determine the correct method I will be fine with the other two. The design is a simple C-Ring which I have used only half of it as its symmetric. It is in mm and I think I should put it in m just for ease. I have all the material data I could possibly get...