Right Mouse Click on the Solution and choose Edit
Choose the Case Control Option
Edit the Modeling Object for Output Requests
You will need to set the SORT1 option for each output request type (ie Displacement etc)
For NX Nastran, there is only one setting I know of for multi threading, parallel=number of processors. So it's either on or off. Don't know about 701 and the docs say SMP supports all solution types.
Since 701 is a transient analysis, like sol 129 and 601,129, the default it SORT2 format, but NX 7.5 post only supports SORT1 format. It's a minor technicality, but can be major if you did a long solve and need to post process.
I wish NX 7.5 would write the deck automatically with SORT1 format...
So, the results are in op2 format and you are working in NX 7.5, correct? What solution type did you run? (look in the nastran input file for SOL xxxxxx)? If this is solution 701, the format is sort2 by default and you need to set the output requests to SORT1 for NX 7.5 post processing to...
What type of analysis are you running? If this is a sol 129 or sol 701 analysis type, the results are in a SORT2 format and cannot be imported into NX Post.
Is there a fatal message in the f06 file?