A variation on this problem led to this solution:
Make multiple "potholes" under the wall to the depth desired for the new footing. Make them, say, 2' wide, and space them at 6' centers.
Fill the space under the wall with extra-lean concrete (aka "controlled density fill" or...
Thanks for your response. Just to clarify your note, are you speaking from the point of view of the Engineer of Record for the project, or the Specialty Engineer that reviews and seals the truss manufacturer's drawings?
We have several times had to go into steel-framed offices buildings (designed by us, as well as by others) to reinforce floors above the original 100 psf office + partitions + some-extra-just-in-case design load. These have been for things like fireproof filing cabinets and tall rolling file...
The thing most often missed is the lateral bracing of the individual web members - they are long and slender, and truss manufacturers claim that it is the role of the EOR to design them - their design sheets just show where the bracing is needed.
(This came as a surprise, certainly. Why it...
Small fabric membrane structures typically carry about 5 pli of pretension in the fabric. Mst structural fabrics have an allowable capacity of 15 - 40 pli, or even larger. (Check with supplier or manufacturer of the material for a tangent MOE and tensile strength; use a factor of safety of...
First, you need to figure out which are the dependent and which are the independent variables. For instance, there will be a relationship between tidal stage (extreme high, exreme low, or somewhere in the middle), and current velocity and direction. Likewise, the height of the tide governs the...
Indirectly in ASD, and directly in LRFD, usable design strengths are determined statistically. If you pick off the top 50% of the sample, then you have drastically lowered the mean and the 95% confidence level. As a consequence, the formuli and design factors that have been developed to use...