Thanks very much for the very useful suggestions. I did a bid of clean up have managed to push current through one of the coils. So far though, I have not gotten the disc to turn. I have not had problems before with previous GEC relays so I suspect went wrong over the years. But I agree with my...
Ah, DTR2011, I will check that too. There is something which we used for current injection tests on substation relays while I was working on the Railways. It was nicknamed, "Mouth Organ". If you plugged this in, you had direct access, it seems to most of the terminals. I will go and find out...
Thanks for the great response, especially about the functioning of the shorting contacts. Because the relay is built-in and wired into the training cabinet, I need to undo the wiring from the back of the panel and detach the relay and then do a direct measurement, and direct injection also...
I have a problem trying to test the operation of a CDG 16 and similar relays on an teaching rack in our university. I do not register any current when I inject at pins 9 and 10. Before injection, I measure 0.8 ohm at these inputs which I thought would have been the relay impedance. On the...