I want to thank you for your help, I used some of the information in your replies to MTohmeh as well, which was helpful.
Moving on to a column (which is not a unit cube), let's say that I have loaded this column in shear, how would I determine the failure load? Meaning, after applying a...
I am currently interested in validating the stress/strain compression data of my concrete cube. The tension data has been validated, but I am still trying to resolve the compression data.
Shear and Flexure are also an interest to me, but I have not read up on that to see which material model...
Here is the material definition part of the input file:
*Material, name=Concrete-CDP-Cube
3.56045e+06, 0.2
*Concrete Damaged Plasticity
31., 0.1, 1.16, 0.666667, 0.
*Concrete Compression Hardening
356.028, 0.
Sorry for the long time to reply for some reason I did not receive an e-mail notification.
Yes I tried it on a cube, and applied a uniaxial strain, and the results match very nicely.
I am currently doing the same on a concrete cube, using the Concrete Damage Plasticity Model where I am...
When I had first modeled this, I did not have a load at that location. Someone I know suggested doing that to see if any change would occur. That load is very small, and did not have any effect on the results, however.
For some reason, the analysis is not capturing the linear and non-linear...
I am a structural engineer, and I have recently began using the Abaqus as a finite element software. After numerous attempts and researching a lot of information, I have not been able to validate a simple test.
What I am trying to do is model a non-linear steel part in 3D (as a solid) and...