Hi everyone,
I ran a rather long coupled temperature displacement analysis a while ago, and now I want to run some further analysis of what happens to the model after what I analyzed. I didn't anticipate needing to do this at the time, so I didn't write a restart file. Is there a good way to...
If anyone stumbles on this with the same question, I figured out a way around this problem. It's not prefect, but it's a workable solution. . . .
If you can use Nastran as a processor and use a transient load case, it lets you use two different functions to represent space and time, and it...
Hi, everyone,
I am a little new to Patran, so I am not too sure of myself; hope this isn't too basic.
I am trying to apply a heat flux to a surface, and I want the heat flux to vary by position in space (X, Y, Z) and time. I have found ways to vary it by just position and just time, but I...
I've only been using Patran for a few weeks, so if this recommendation is too simplistic, then sorry! I've had similar trouble using extrusions. There is an option called "solid type" when you extrude or revolve where you can select "TetMeshable" or "IsoMeshable". That might help.