I am modelling a crushing simulation of a composite corrugated coupon using Abaqus/Explicit and CZONE Abaqus' application.
I am modeling the coupon using S4R elements and the impactor as a discrete rigid shell plate with a slow constant crushing speed or high initial velocity for...
I am trying to create a crushing simulation of a composite tube using Abaqus 6.10/CAE.
I imported my geometry as a solid part and attributed to it a continuum shell composite section with multiple layers.
I used LAMINA elastic properties and Hashin 2D damage initiation and propagation...
Hi everyone,
I am a new Abaqus user and I am trying to create a high velocity crushing simulation of a composite tube. I have to use COHESIVE elements to simulate cohesion bonding, inter and intra damage propagation.
I have some questions I hope someone could kindly help me to answer: