"inertia does not impart any additional load on the lateral force resisting system of the building above. "
I completely agree with this. I should have clarified. This question is in regards to the design of the piles, not the structure above. Same answer?
We have a 9x9 grid of 14" dia. concrete piles with a 2'-6" thick pile cap supporting a steel structure. Top of pile cap is 1' below grade. What is the correct procedure of including or not including the pile cap weight when checking lateral seismic forces? Some say that it moves with the earth...
I actually detailed 2-2x6 top plate and 2x6 sole plate, contractor chose to ignore that.
The effective thickness would be slightly less than 1/4".
The shear in the walls is minor, and I'm not worried about it, but I would like to have at least the 3/8" thickness. I think I will have them put...
Working on a 20'x40' oval (in plan) structure. The framer used 1 1/8" rated plywood for the curved sill plate, and double 1 1/8" for the top plates. Is this typical practice for curved situations? This is the first curved structure I have worked on.
Also, how are curved shear walls dealt...