I was looking at the ACI crack control measures per 10.6.4 where the rebars have to have the spacings given by two equations. My footing has a dimension 6.5'x6.5' and I was thinking about putting #6 @9" at bottom as required by flexure and #5 @ 12" for shrinkage.
I have been trying to find if there is any reduction to the safety factor 1.5 for Sliding when seismic forces are involved. In AASHTO, the use of 0.75 reduction factor is permitted. Is there a similar reduction factor in IBC 2003? Please respond.
The question is regarding functioning of shear key used in the footings. I have a square footing (8'x8') with a large horizontal force acting on it and it fails in sliding. To help resist in sliding, I decided to put a shear key 2'x1.5' at the bottom of the footing. Now, to resist sliding, there...