Using Preserve shape corrected the issue, thanks to all for the valuable input. I do agree that the assumption of joining curves by default is just thhe opposite of most desired results.
1)Using a linked sketch as a section for the sweep operator.
2)Using one guide string for direction.
3)Using face as orientation
Sweep is one of the main operators I have been using to create solids for exterior door upper moldings, the 3 steps I take as described above are usually flawless...
Yes, that is the idea, however it is a bit crisper of a transistion than what is shown in the jpeg (a sharp edge, kink if you will). It is in two directions, X,Y and X,Z. I made some screen shots of the area in question and passed that along to the customer. You're right, the customer was...
I am sweeping an extruded section for an upper door molding used on a vehicle (not named).
I received a step file of the door created from sewn sheets to use as my reference data from my customer. When I extracted sheets to use as my normal orientation for sweeping my extruded section, I noticed...