Dear all,
I'm working on cartilage regeneration prediction model. I have my cartilage model working. After each analysis, I want to update the material properties of every node and start a new analysis. After this second analysis, (again) I want to update the material properties of every...
Dear all,
I have an .odb file 'cartilage.odb' and I want to extract all the stress components. I do it with the following python script. But I don't extract the stress fact I don't know what I extracted from the obd file because I have 1294 nodes and I get results for way more...
Dear all,
I do some simple analysis and I have 1500 increments. Is there a way to have a .rpt file with all the data at once?
Because no I have to click each time for frame 0 and then frame 1 append to file and then frame 2,.... not very convenient of course.
So do you know a much faster and...
Dear all,
I'm modeling a porous material. I have two questions about 'void ratio':
1) I have to use predefined fields to specify the initial void ratio: can someone explain me what is meant with 'point1 distribution' and 'voids ratio1'? What is 'elevation distribution'?? And if I choose for...
Dear all,
I check the results of a simulation of 1000 seconds by clicking the 'plot contours on deformed shape'-pictogram. This gives me the deformed shape (with von mises stress information) after the 1000 seconds. So far, so good...
But if I want to check the time history to know how the...
Dear all,
I'm working on an axisymmetric rectangular model that has as region with high Young's modulus and a region with low Young's modulus. I modeled it with two parts (one part the high E modulus, one part the low E modulus) and then assembled them together. However, I was wondering if you...