Hi, I've done an impact model by Abaqus Scripting, and I want my .odb file shows me the final velocity in the RP of my projectile in a determinated time.
How can I do that?? Could someone give an example??
Any help will be well appreciated. Thank you so much.
Hi, I am designing a impact model by Abaqus Scripting. I have the whole model script but when I run my Job ("ShellImpactJob"), Abaqus sends me some mistakes like this:
"Error in job ShellImpactJob: in keyword *INITIALCONDITIONS, file "ShellImpactJob.inp", line 91734: Unknown assembly node set...
Sure, I share my code.
Right now, the code can be run and I have added "##" in the lines that I have the problems and a little note explaining it.
from abaqus import *
from abaqusConstants import *
import regionToolset
akabarten, thank you for the answer, but I've tried your code and now I received this message: "referencePoints[0]; found Feature, expecting tuple"
Please, if you or anybody has another idea, please answer me.
Thank you.
Hi, I'm doing a Python Abaqus model and I need to use a reference point as a region in a BC. So, I have defined my reference point with this code:
refpoint1= proyectilPart.ReferencePoint (point= (0.0,0.0,0.0))
region = regionToolset.Region(referencePoints=refpoint1)
'ProyectilPart' is the part...
Hi, I'm using Abaqus Scripting to make an impact model in my final degree proyect.
This is the first time working with Python and I'm having some problems.
I have to design a cylinder with the next features (3D and analytical rigid surface)and when I run the script in Abaqus I always receive...