I'm trying to determine what Diametral Pitch was used to produce the knurling on a part. This is a "coarse" diamond knurl on a 0.945" diameter cylinder with 36 grooves around the circumference.
So with P=N/D I end up with a diametral pitch of 38. Correct? Now these parts were made in...
I am working on a ball and socket joint.
The ball stud is made from SAE 4135-4140 steel with the ball end being induction hardened to 55-60 Rc with a nearly polished surface finish. There are no surface finish spec's on this currently.
I am looking for some guidance with material selection...
Does anyone have a source for information about this alloy?
What I'm looking at is a powdered metal part that is a cup in a ball joint. Any ideas on Cu and C composition of this alloy?
They are specifically asking for the load in compression when 3% strain is reached. For this material the elastic limit is reached at 0.24% strain so we are well into the plastic region. The load at the yield point is then 22.2ksi
Is there a simple way to estimate the load at the 3% strain...
I have requested a clarification on whether the 3% "yield" is total strain or only plastic strain. My apologies for the elongation reference when its supposed to be compression.
CoryPad, why is this not valid for steel in the elastic range?
I don't believe this is a buckling problem since...
Our customer has asked for an axial crush/column strength calc for a short steel tube we are developing for them. The tubing is 1026 DOM with an OD of 0.945" and ID of 0.708" and is 2.028" long. They want to know the load at which 3% yield occurs. Here's what I've used:
total elong. = 3% x...