Thank you guys for your response:
Waross, "I assume that you mean 2 MW. 2kW is on the small side for a 2400 Volt set."
That is correct. It is a 2MW genset, I agree the final solution is to replace the open delta PT with Wye-wye
however the supplier insist that the controller is capable of...
Hi David, sorry for the confusion. I was referring to the reference in getting the phase displacement. I was thinking since the we will sync with the bus, it should be the reference in getting the phase shift. I attached herewith the wiring diagram of the later. The supplier was planning to test...
Hi David thanks, I will ask someone to check on site. Another thing, should I got the connection drawing which will be the reference voltage. The genset or the bus?
Hi I need help from the expert. We are paralleling two genset in island mode with the same ratings,2kW 2400V, 3P, 60Hz. One genset (GA) uses open delta PT and
the other genset (GB) is using wye. If the common bus uses wye connected PT, what will be the phase shift if we sync GA
to the Bus? I...