Thank you and we have use the option 2 to do this work. And we adopt curve B materials and set Reference temperature as -20F. Then we caculate KIc according to the API code and with working temperature as -20F. But the results is not good. So if possible, we hope to have some real CVN impact...
Yes, CVN impact energy values is welcome,and based it, we can estimate KIc . The design min. temperature is -20F(-29 C degree).
Thank you for response and helps.
When we evaluated a air tank integrity, we need A455 fracture toughness value.But now we can't get it by experiments.
the thickness of tank shell is .375''(9.5mm). It was desgined by asme bpvc code viii, div.i and charpy test is not requirement by ug-120(d).
Anyone would like to help me to...