Hi Blas...
I did as you said, I moved the *.prt file to the root C:/
but the same thing no results file generated, I also created a new model (Cantliver Beam), then exported that modell to advanced simulation (Nastran) to ensure everything done correct from the begning
, the same problem I...
Forthure information
The Nx log file also attached. The results file *.OP2 not
exist where the *.prt exist, I mean not generated.
best regardshttp://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=f6205ccf-2843-455c-a4f2-9e44b1939daa&file=NX_log_file.txt
Hello Blas....
The *.F06 and *.F04 files are empty.
When I open those with text editor, there is no data.
I attached a picture to see all the file situation where
the *.prt file located.
Hi bojanv...
Actually, there is no any error message comes up, the monitor windows shows the job finishied, but Nastran generats several file with format F04, F06 and DAT. The files which has foramt F04 and F06 are empty, while file format DAT is filled. I attached picture to see the monitor...
I attampted to sovle stress analysis on bracket in NAstran NX6, everything goes o.k. but, When I solve problem there is no results file upploaded automatically in simulation navigator.But, the results file genrated as f04, f06 and sim format separated. Anyway, those results file are empty...
When I solve any problem there is no results file upploaded
automatically in simulation navigator.
But, the results file genrated as f04, f06 and sim format separated. Anyway, those results file are empty.
Any one can help me, thanks
best regards
I have problem when I model up geometry in Unigraphics NX6 and I export this geometry to Advanced simulation, then mesh it and set up the boundary condition, until everything works o.k., but when I run Solve command, there is no Sim file whritten, then I can't visualize the results...