Hey there,
I have to give a talk on the finite element method, and was wondering if anyone had any particularly fancy/well polished videos of it?
I remember seeing an advertisement for some piece of software which showed a bird flapping its wings and millions of air particles being dispersed...
Hey there,
I was wondering whether it was possible to change the value of my elastic modulus over the course of the simulation by making it dependent on stress or strain
Alternatively, is there a way to make the Poisson's ratio increase with stress/strain?
I'm running a flat punch compression...
Right, I have the field output of S11, and the field output of S22, unfortunately, I want the radial field output, which is a combination of the two.
Is there anyway to pythagoras up S11 and S22 to give me my desired field output?
Literally, I just want to be able to go to the values of S11 &...
I realised after I clicked submit that I hadn't mentioned ABAQUS (Is there an edit button which I can't see?)
The reason I want an average is because I have a flat punch going onto a near infinite surface, and the average stress would allow me to look at the behaviour of the surface in general...
I have an analytic rigid surface indenting onto a deformable body. It all works and I have no errors, however I have to do a stress vs strain graph
I was wondering whether anyone could explain to me how to find the average stress/displacement of all the elements (and only these elements) which...
Hey there, I'm using ABAQUS and can't figure out how I'd define the amplitude for these two following cases:
1. A Sinewave which follows a linear path, eg:
y = Sin(x) - 0.5x
2. A growing Sine wave, eg:
y = x*Sin(x)
I know this is very simple, but I can't tell whether I'd use periodic or...
Thank you for your input. I tried this, which actually did result in the program making some progress, however it is able to only compute the first four frames before becoming stuck.
I have these two errors
1. Boundary conditions are defined at the nodes contained in node set...
I'm very new to abaqus and am currently working on a problem of a cylindrical punch compressing into an elastic/plastic material underneath it
I've made a cae which seems to start building but I constantly get the same problem of