In I-DEAS, there is an option for adding a corner radius blend that I can't find in NX 7.5. The included image shows the type of corner that I would like to create. Basically, the edges will have a very small blend and the corner will have a much larger radius blend.
Any advice?
Actually, in I-DEAS, the auto-dimensioning could be easily turned off. Virtually no one uses it in I-DEAS. Never gives you what you really want. Auto-dimensioning in NX, pretty cool and useful and yes, I too at first was not happy with it but I soon converted.
Wow, you guys really need to give auto dimensioning a chance. I've been in CAD for 22 years as an engineer, a trainer, and as a heavy user. I used to hate auto-dimensioning in I-DEAS but the auto-dimensioning in NX 7.5 is great. I like that the sketch is always fully constrained although not...
Thanks Cowski. It's interesting though because the form has "scale" and "Aspect ratio" settings. I just cannot get them to work. If they don't work, they should be greyed-out or removed from the form. I'm still holding out for a way to get the scaling to work; maybe in NX8 when title blocks are...
The attached PowerPoint explains the situation better but here goes...
I want to add a symbol to a cell within a "Tabular Note" in NX 7 drafting. I can add the symbol with an attribute call-out but I cannot scale the symbol. I know there is a scale symbol setting but it seems to have no effect...
Awesome news! Turns out that NX 7.5 has a compatability issue with Excel 2010. Tested on Excel 2007 and everything works like a champ! Thanks for all of your help and comments. You really helped direct me to the right solution.
Don - Fermilab
That's very promising news, John. Once I get my incompatability issues solved, I'll be looking forward to much better performance. I'll be testing this out tonight and tomorrow morning. I'll post my findings.
Thanks to everyone responding so quickly. Looks like the problem is on my end. I'll take a look at the operating system differences and with Excel 2010 vs 2007.
The sample block with 5 family members takes about 8 minutes to create the 5 parts and about the same amount of time to save the part...
In NX 7.5 Native or in conjunction with Teamcenter, I can't edit my part family. The Family part is created, spreadsheet data set, parts created, and family saved - All OK although extremely slow at creating parts and saving even the smallest of families. The problem is that I cannot edit the...
I'm running TC 8.3 with NX 7.5 and when I look at the BVR in the Structure Manager, I noticed something odd. I have two arrangements; one with 5 parts displayed, nothing suppressed, and the other with 2 parts displayed, 3 parts suppressed. All of the parts are the same itemrevision. In the 1st...
I'm running NX 7.0 and TC 2007. My assembly has several arrangements and the assembly and parts are all saved in Teamcenter. I send the assembly BVR to the PSE. The BOM is shown as it was saved in NX. When I try to open the "Arrangements" icon in PSE, I get this error: "The root assembly has no...
Thanks John! Big Help! I'll give it a try today. I'm presenting at the Chicago-Wisconsin Regional User Conference in October and wanted to work out this detail on Family of Parts before I present. See you there! (Don't know if you remember me, but last year we ate together at Culvers after the...
In NX6, (also in 7.5) I'm creating a Family of Parts. I can apply a material to the master part and then I create the family of parts to include the attribute, "material." The density attribute field from the variable pull-down list (while setting the columns for excel) doesn't give me any...