thanks for your advice, however a titan ist much too weak. (only 1.3 TF double precision)
compared to the amd fire pros, all the nividas are much weaker :( (that's why nvidia made cuda to outperform amd through easyer api)
i'm not looking for a cheap solution, we whant performance.
the main...
That's true, DOF is not representing the whole model but at least it's a hint how big the model is :)
The licensing is already changed, one GPU uses one normal Token, no need anymore for special GPU tokens.
Thanks for your input!
It's really strange, GPU acceleration has such a huge potential...
recently i've found out about the option in abaqus to use the gpu for acceleration (a dream of mine becomes true [bigcheeks])
at the moment however our company is only using weak quadro cards resulting in even longer simulationtimes using the gpu.
there are several announcements about...