Hello all,
I am a contract mechanical engineer doing some cad work for a client who farms out some small run bike frames.
most of the companies products are designed in SolidWorks.
One of my tasks at the moment is to refine the CAD process and create some fixtures and drawings for the frame...
I am looking for a resource for sheave design guidelines. Any reference that will help me determine appropriate geometries for the given ropes that I am using. My favorites, Mark's handbook, as well as machinery's handbook, aren't very detailed on things like inner radius, lead in angle, and...
I am a labview beginner, I have an analog waveform that get created in the use of a lab device, I can capture this waveform as a CSV array of numbers. I then want to import this waveform into a labview VI that will drive an analog output on my DAQ. any tips greatly appreciated.
how much control over the velocity profile would I have with the servo?
I like the idea of using clutches and a continuous rotating shaft! although It would be beneficial to have more control over the velocity profile. and I would wonder about clutch lifetime for something operating at those...
That formula (basic as it may seem) is what I needed to understand the acceleration effects on the system!
Way cool! I think I can now better control my selection process.
there is some on-board pcba and software, and it's very valuable to be able to put it through its paces, the adjustability also helps me study thermal effects at different rates.
I do have a parallel path for a fixed drive mechanical tester, and we have a pneumatic rig right now. But the...
I am also concerned about the inertia mismatch with a system like this, it seems like at these rates of acceleration it will be highly sensitive to inertial mismatches?
Thanks for the response! I will look into those systems..
I guess my fear was controlling the acceleration of the load from 0-4000-0 rpm clockwise then 0-4000-0 counterclockwise repeatedly, at a rate of 5 times per second.
This seems pretty amazing to me! but I am inexperienced...
I am researching for a design of a test rig that I would like to build, and could use some expert help regarding servo systems.
in my test rig I would like to drive the test motor first clockwise/then counterclockwise repeatedly and very fast.
Here is a link to the product I am wanting...
Found what I needed....
Here's how it worked for me:
Created the lengthy hole table with X Y position data that solidworks 2006 defaults to. then went to the giant table and right clicked "tabs" column. selected "combine tags" viola!
Thanks for the help.
Thanks for the late Friday response Anna!
My veiw of the hole table shows different options boxes, regardless of which template I select. Is it because I am using '06 where you are using '07? Or is it because I am not finding the proper template? I cannot seem to find an option that provides me...
Hello all,
I am using SW2006.
I'm making a drawing of a part which will accompany a .IGS file to the CNC machine shop for fabrication. The part is basically a big plate with a lot of different holes in it.
My intention with the drawing is to specify the type of holes in groups distinguished...
Hmm those were good leads,
Still I'm having trouble finding anything solidworks compatible..
I need to insert them into an assembly I'm making and I'd like to be able to modify them in SW.
Any other leads are appreciated...!
The best carrer advice for an engineer is...
Marry a rich woman....
Beware! I have also heard this one:
"those who marry for money usually end up earning it"
and for saving money by DIY projects...
Hi all,
I need to learn a bit about the different engineered woods available. Things like strength tables, costs, available shapes, applications etc. I'm interested in OSB parralam and engineered wood beams in particular. Do you all have any links, resources, or experiences you could share?