Yes. Three colored ones are from experiments. I want to validate my model with an experiment. I am extracting RF and U on the Reference point which is used to kinematically couple the two outer surfaces of the aluminum on the loading edge. Between Aluminium and the CFRP specimen, there is a tie...
Hello FEA way,
Could you please let me know how I can make my Force vs Displ. curve similar to the experimental one?
I am using Kinematic coupling and I requested RF3 and U3 for the reference point used for kinematic coupling.
Thank you for your answer. I could successfully extract the needed information from my simulation.
In the force vs displacement curve, my results are not comparable to the experimental curves. RF3 and U3 I extracted are for the RP which was kinematically coupled to aluminum tab's top...
I tried another approach now. I created a RP and did a kinematic coupling, coupling the aluminum surfaces on the fixed edge to that RP. In the BC, I applied a displacement BC to that RP. In history o/p I requested RF3 and U3 for that RP.
I hope it will work(fingers crossed). Do you think...
Hello FEA way,
Thank you for your answer. I found it extremely meaningful. I carried out a few simulations where I could extract force vs displacement curve but recently I have been facing the same problem. I requested RF3 on the loading edge nodes which have displacement BC. The another end is...
Taking reaction forces summation of the nodes on the loading edge would be a better choice right? I mean they are the one who are getting pulled? I selected the nodes on the top surfaces of the aluminium tabs on the loading edge and will take summation of those nodes.
For plotting the...
Thank you for your answer. By coupon, I mean CFRP with a size of 250*25 mm. To make it less computationally effective, I used shell as an element type for CFRP and wrote a shell coupon. I understand I will have to measure displacement in the gauge section, i.e., in the middle part of the...
Hello Users,
I am simulating a tensile test of CFRP shell coupon in Abaqus.
Aluminums tabs are attached to the CFRP shell sample on both the edges from top and bottom and they are modeled with solid elements. Two Aluminium tabs on the fixed edge are Encastred with all DOF's=0 and the other two...
Hello all,
I have a question regarding using MSC NASTRAN as a solver. I have prepared a model in Abaqus CAE. It is a complex model with different materials and it also has Cohesive Zone modeling defined using cohesive elements. Due to licensing issue, i can only use Abaqus for pre and post...