Wall was poured first. Slab was poured on top.
Rolling out seems to be the most likely source. There is a section of slab behind in the photo that shows the amount of roll. It isn’t noticeable roll. Just a slightly larger joint than normal and instead of 1/4” per foot slope, it’s probably...
I am an engineer, just don’t actively stamp/practice. Was construction engineering undergrad and took PE in civil, but haven’t ran calcs in 20 years. License is active, not that it matters in this situation.
I used the term failure in that it isn’t in danger of sliding down the hill. Nor is...
Working on it, but struggling due to potential conflicts of interest
Just was in reference to “jurisdiction. The repair cost is ~$80k. Not small, but also not large enough to justify going legal route
I’m not sure you understood the question…
The wall did not require a “permit” per se, but regardless it was part of a larger building permit on a large commercial project so that point is moot.
My question: how would one go about calculating the bearing capacity of the wall section provided...
The work met all required inspections and complied with the contract documents. Soil compaction and concrete testing were all monitored under special inspections. I agree that 2” settlement is a lot, but wouldn’t necessarily agree that it’s “crap work” when my contract doesn’t include any...
Retaining walls less than five feet tall are not required to have a building permit. However, retaining wall systems less than five feet in cumulative vertical relief and adjacent to a structure located closer than the vertical relief shall be designed under the responsible charge of a...
I have a wall that landed in the landscape plans (I suspect, but do not know for a fact that structural EoR would like to have taken a look at it but was never asked to by the LA). It is holding up a fire lane and 3-4' of retained earth at its tallest point. The wall is being called a "turn...