I can see now the section on assembly sets in CAE. So I need to assign this:
offsetField='', offsetType=MIDDLE_SURFACE,
sectionName='aerofoilPiezoSection', thicknessAssignment=FROM_SECTION)
to the set I defined...
I don't see a mesh when I click on the hex-meshed cube. And yes you are right I've meshed the instance. But I have too many parts to just change the mesh on part instead of instance.
Before I was assigning the 'setPiezo' to faces, and these faces were also meshed.
So it is possible to make a set...
My supervisor told me that I have to do it with elements. I mean the aerofoil is meshed. Why should it not work?
I tried also to insert the code you gave me when I am in the 'mesh' module.
Thanks for this. I already found this but I thought it wouldn't be helpful but it is.
So I put this in my command window of Abaqus. It adds a new set with the name 'Set-1' which is good, but when I click on it no red surface appears like when I click on the other sets...
This means that it only...
I searched in the manual and on google the whole day, but it didn't help me that much. getbyboundingbox says that you have type in your x,y,z maxs/mins.
I tried with the new code but it didn't work. I am sorry but I really don't know how to do it?
Hi all,
I defined a new set on my aerofoil called setPiezo. Now when I run the script I get the error: "Unknown key setPiezo".
What am I doing wrong?
Best Matterhorn
-150, 0-dtol...
So I have to make a new set. I read in with getbyboundingbox my xmin,ymin,zmin,xmax,ymax,zax. Now it says:
"Unknown part instance node set AEROFOILINSTANCE.SETPIEZO"
What can I do to resolve this problem?
My code looks like this:
I don't know how to define a new surface with python.
I basically would like to create a new surface which is not connected with the ones that are already defined like coords_top_web0.
Hi everyone,
I have an aerofoil with different defined surfaces on the top. Now I have to create a new surface or element, so that I can choose this new surface instead of the predefined surfaces for piezo actuation.
How can I do this?
Thanks in advance!