Find volume of water being dumped,
Temperature of water at dump,
Desired tempeture of the return (to DFT or storage tank?),
Temperature of sea water used for cooling,
From these you wil know how much water you need to cool, and how much difference in temperature of sea water and dump water will...
To Prex, Gunsmith, Butelja, & IRstuff,
Great responses from all of you, many thanks. Just FYI,
here is a more in depth description of the set-up. I have modified the design of a standard natural circulation boiler. Instrad of the upper drum being horizontal it is now vertical. The heating...
I want to use a vinyl, above ground pool, to produce fresh water marinelife. From seed to harvest is 90 days. During this 90 days the tempeture range of the water is critical. It must not fall below 65 degrees F. Any lower, the crop will die. Using a solar powered heat exchanger/boiler, I can...
In a closed pool containing 5000 gals. of water, how do I find rate of heat disapation over given period of time?
The pool is 18 ft. in diameter, 3 ft. in ht.
The water must be maintained at least 81 deg. F, at most 94 degrees. using solar panels to heat during daylight, I need to know how much...