This is an elevated walkway, and there will be handrail posts welded to the side of on tube.
That is about right, but it is only for equipment access and not an everyday use platform. This would be used once or twice a year, by a guy lubing some bearings unless there was a problem...
In the design that was in discussion, it was simple 3' wide elevated walkways with no equipment or other loads on the beams. I used a HSS3x2 tube, and was told that I was crazy and needed to use a 5" tube, no matter what the deflections were, they came up to be L/1347 for LL deflection...
I was having a discussion with another engineer today, he is an older guy that learned the old ASD method of design. He states that he would never, ever, under any circumstance use a member that didn't follow the depth equals half span rule of thumb. I think that this is more of a guide, and...
The problem I have is, whether or not the moment restraint is intentional or not, won't the connection still be a moment connection? How does the behavior of the connection change because I say I don't want it to be a moment connection?
Stay away from this project unless you are able to keep the two buildings completely independent of each other. Without extensive knowledge of how the original building was cared for, is all the X-bracing in place, you are taking a major risk bolting/welding on to the existing structure. As...
I am having a "discussion" with another engineer. He wants to weld a square tube directly to a square tube, without following the criteria for a moment connection outline in K.3, one tube is a 4x4 and the other is a 8x6. This connection does not fall in line with the spec because the tubes...
The problem is that if you run the numbers using a 3 in. clear cover, you get 7.5ish spacing requirements, using fs=40,000. So, then 12 in. spacing is too far apart to prevent cracking in that case. So, if you use 12 in spacing, that doesn't conform to the way the code reads.
I have a co-worker that insists the min. spacing requirements of s=15(40000/fs)-2.5cc do not apply to foundations, this is a one way p-ile cap, but has no real explanation why the requirement doesn't apply. I am a fairly new engineer, and from reading the commentary (ACI 318-08) I don't see an...
I am a stuctural guy trying to help someone with some drafting standards. I have been tasked with finding the turning radius of a HS-20 truck. I can't find this information anywhere, but I have found the turning radius of several vehicles. All I can find about HS-20 trucks is the load...
My company is in the middle of evaluating software. I was picked to work with the CSI family of software. As I have been working with these programs, it seems that there isn't one program that can be used to check everything together. It seems that I am able to export from SAP2000 or ETABS to...