Yeah, I didn't realize I was on a reduced menu. The option appeared.
I managed to modify your program to work to produce the wing I required also. Thanks a lot!!
Thanks everyone for the input!
Never mind Frank, I was zoomed out too far, and couldn't see the sketch produced. The program worked perfect!! I just changed the resolution, and put a multiplier to put it to the scale I needed.
(I had missed your division I just saw integer, and the scale of 1 to 100 and commented without...
In the help menu it says the "Law Curve is found in
Insert?Curve?Law Curve
However my only Options are:
?Lines and Arcs ?
?Studio Spline
The examples here show a Helix being made but I don't...
I would like to sketch a NACA wing profile into NX. The easiest way would be to create a script that uses a function to sketch the curve for me, altering the thickness over a specified length.
For x=0:0.01:1
y=(0.2969sqrt(x)-0.126x-0.3516x^2 +0.2843x^3-0.1015x^4)
I am using NX 7.5...