Thanks for the responses.
I think i am not able to understand the answers. I have only the chemistry of the material and mechanical properties. The supplier did not provide any information on how the tube was made. I am not a metallurgist but i thoughts there are some recommendations in AWS or...
There is no 0.656" listed in the spec. There is 0.625" (Min tensile is 226 KSI, no YS listed) and for 0.687 (Min tensile 224, No YS listed). It is also mentioned that you can interpolate the values for intermediate diameters.
Hello all,
I have a tube with certain chemistry which shows CEV 0.45. How do I judge whether this material needs preheating or not? I looked online and it says that the general rule of thumb is that if CEV>0.4 then it needs preheating. If this is true then then how do i calculate how much...
Hello all,
I am forming a steel piece and using a tighter radius than recommended by supplier. I want to be sure that it does not forms any crack. Apart from visual inspection what other method (NDT) I can use to be sure no crack formation? Also what side (Inner or outer) is more prone to...
I followed the instruction above for "Section inertia" option. I still get some bogus results. Please see the attached for the steps i am following. It is a 10x10x10 block and second moment of inertia about centroid (any axis) should be...
Thanks John! I am still struggling with it. There are so many options which i do not understand (Very new to NX). First it give ask me to select boundary, face. I select boundary then face - XC-YC option but it does not give any answer. Can you please walk me through the steps? I really...