Hi there,
Could any one suggest as to why does clumping of sand occurs in fluidised beds ?
we get good results from carburising & Q&T 's.
we got new retort new diffuse & sand, all three month old
we got 16 grit above diffuser about three inches high and 120 grit just under flue exit.(Furnace...
Thanks redpicker & metengr
Much appreciated !
we have been redoing the quench & temper jobs quite often, never was able to make up a precise tempering temperture propotinate to Brinell hardness. we got good austenising temperature & quench, its the temper which always kills my hardness...
Thanks metenger & redepicker,
We got controlled pit furnace very accurate with a maximum rated load of 10,000kgs. Its very precise with carburising procedures and temperatures.
Furnace fluctatues with in a degree and gives consistent temperatures with thermocouple on job.
Its just the times...
Can some body help me with the holding time in austenising stage as well as tempering. I read an article which you guys recommend for 11 inch bar,Feb 2011
The heat treatment process of this heat of material, 11'' OD:
Hardened 1600F 7.0 Hours Oil Quenched