As shown in the attached figure, a circle with its involute curve has an initial position at 0 degree, and have a length of 'a' which was measured from the y-intercept to the center of the circle. After that, the circle was rotate for 45 degree and now have the length of 'b'. Then it was again...
hi @nlgyro
Thank you very much for your help. I don't know why I thought like that.
You pointed out the most important things for me. Now the solution had worked just fine.
Thank you again. I really appreciate it.
I have a problem when running Nastran SOL 103 for normal modes analysis which I believe happened when I used MAT8. Some problem arises saying "*** USER FATAL MESSAGE 4291 (EQD4S) FOR ELEMENT WITH ID =1 THE MATERIAL ROUTINE -MAT- RETURNS A 2X2 J-MATRIX FOR MATERIAL ID =1 WHICH IS SINGULAR."...