We are currently looking at moving approx. 31 seats of NX7.5 to NX8.5 in the next few weeks.
Can you tell me if anyone has seen any significant issues arise from this move?
Or if there is any major benefits from doing this as well?
Thanks in advance!
As a company we create a lot of sheet metal that has flanges, we would like to create them with the mitred ends for welding. Is there an easier way to achieve this.
I have done it through editing the sketch of the flange whilst producing it.
Alternatively we could just use the 'Break Corner'...
They are sheet bodies.
There is an assembly, by the looks of the assembly there would be about 10-15 components. It is a fan housing with the components inside. However i am not wanting to do anything with the assembly, its just for visual aid. So the housing would be sufficient. I can delete...
When importing a stp. file from a online catalouge or supplier the object comes in with approx. 4000 bodies.
what are the best settings to bring this in as maybe 1 - 10 bodies MAX.
this seems to be slowing the system down alot!
Please Help
I have tried inserting feature parameters, however after i have chosen the feature and the view it fails to put any information on teh drawing. It just closes the Feature parameters Window.
Any more direction? If possible a video on how it is done would be great.
When dimensioning a Counterbore hole, is there a way that all the dimensions can be associative in one note rather than have to dimension in three seperate places?
Note example consist of : 2 HOLES DIA. 9 CBORE DIA. 20 X 25 DEEP
This note would be associative to the DIA. 9 but no the DIA.20 or...
Using NX7.5, in drafting mode, when wanting to put surface finish symbols on, you are able to associate the symbol to view. Is there a way to associate the symbol to a dimension line?
I have tried using the origin tool and making sure that associative is on.
Using NX7.5, when constructing a sketch without using the continuous auto-dimensioning it is possible for the sketch to contain over constrained geometry.
Is there a way to automatically have those dimensions turn into reference dimensions?