Thank you so much oldNail. If I have multiple faces( left, right, top and bottom) and I only want to pick bottom face. How to pick that bottom face? I am thinking I can do part.faces[0] or part.faces[1] or part.faces[3]. The question which one to pick? do you have another trick? Thanks
I am using python to import mdb from odb, the part name, node sets , surface names etc all become upper cases.
myModel=mdb.ModelFromOdbFile(name='case2', odbFileName=odbname)
Now if I want to access the node set name, I have to use upper cases like this .upper(). I am wondering if it is...
...functions I can use to select nodes on the outside surface?? Thanks a lot
Hi FEA Way, yes when using import part from odb, The node sets and elements sets are imported by default. I just used modelPart.sets['Set1'.upper()] to access the element sets. but I don't see any surface imported. if I use print modelAssembly.surfaces. it shows it is empty. Do you advise me...
Thanks FEAWay, initialState() object doesn't have much parameters to define.
What I'd like to do is:
1. import deformed part ( use below first command)
2. import all element...
Thanks FEAWay. What is the name of python function for that *import keyword? Also can the internal generated node sets and element sets be imported ? How to do it using python? Do we have an example in the manual? Thanks
I am doing restart vy importing deformed part from odb. I am using python script. Here is the script I am using
myModel.PartFromOdb(name=oldpart, # use same part name and instance name
instance=InstanceNames[-1], odb=odb, shape=DEFORMED, step=stepnum_import...
Thanks FEA Way.Yes currently I am using mapped field. the mapping time is so long, in CAE it will freeze for a long time. That is why I am looking for other approaches.
I have an external pressure data with a format of x,y, z, P. Can I use disp subroutine to apply these cloud point pressure as BC? The xyz of cloud points are not the same as nodal x, y, z. Thanks
...set of rules for how the source code should be formatted. The most important rules are the column position rules:
Col. 1 : Blank, or a "c" or "*" for comments
Col. 1-5 : Statement label (optional)
Col. 6 : Continuation of previous line (optional)
Col. 7-72 : Statements
Col. 73-80...
Thanks Guys, here is 2 pages of PDF. please let me know how you convert it.
I have a UMAT PDF file with 5000 lines, I am trying to convert PDF to text file. After conversion, the format is all messed up. I am wondering if you have some experience before for this conversion? Thanks
Thank you so much FEA Way, i found the error now, the element set is defined before meshing. after moving to after meshing, it is fine now. Thank you again!