upgraded to 2020, when I place a coordinate system in my model, when I go to rotate or pan, the coordinate system disappears!
Can't find a setting to stop this from happening, or might it be a graphic card thing?
I select all components in my tree, right click, select Properties
there is a check mark in the box under Layers called 'Specific component color'
If I uncheck this box, all the components revert back to the source colors.
My question, how did that box get checked?
NX12 Somehow, my complex assembly of a large number of parts, when I open the assembly, all y components are the same color. If you open each component individually, the component has the correct color. But when rolled up into the assembly, all the parts have the same color.
Isn't there an...
Haven't been using NX for a while. NX 12. So I created an assembly of individual parts, each part file is surfaces that I have identified by a certain set of colors by part function.
I rolled up all 8-10 part files in an assembly part file, and in this assembly part file, I over-ride the colors...
Thank you all for the first rate responses.
I found this setting, indeed this setting is there.
However, my system admin does not permit me to alter the customer defaults, therefore, I am screwed.
But, indeed, this will turn off the rail.
Going backwards to NX 7.5....
Can't remember how to turn off the sliding clip thingy that slides back and forth at the top below the taskbars.
Can that be turned off in 7.5? I think I could do it in NX 8 and 10. Not sure about 7.5.
If anyone know how to disable or turn it off, that would be...
NX 10
In my top level assembly, I selected "Edit Object Display" and selected several parts, slid the "Translucency" bar over
to 50 percent, and saved the model. Came back to the model later, decided I did not want the parts translucent, now it won't let me change
the Translucency back to zero...
Used NX8 some years ago, new to NX10........
I seem to recall that when you had an assembly with multiple parts open, the reference geometry (planes, Coordinate systems, etc) of the individual components could be visible and selectable to use for assigning constraints, etc.
I can only see the...
New to NX10..used NX8 a few years ago.
My problem is trying to make 2D DXF files from NX 2D drawing data.
I try the Export-DWG?DXF, go through the settings, I'm pretty sure I am selecting everything to make a 2D DXF,
then I create the DXF, when I try and open the DXF with eDrawings or...
New to NX10...last used NX8 a few years ago.
Seems like I remember that when you have components in an assembly file, that when you look at the structure in
Assembly Navigator window, you could click on the plus symbol next to the component name and the component structure would
be there to...
New to NX 10
Do I REALLY have to make a new title block table for each drawing size template I need to make for my company?
Hasn't someone made up a bunch of pre-made title block tables that I can choose from and paste into my drawing template file?
Am I the only one not interested in the...
See attached image
Application is NX 10 Mach 3
I have a solid body, 0.10 mm thick, with same width slits all around, chunk out of one end, kind of looks like a Bellville spring
I wanted to use a sheet metal tool or some function in NX that would flatten this shape out on a plane so I can save...
In SOlidWOrks 2014, is there a way to control how SolidWorks imports various 3D CAD formats, specifically STEP files??
Why is it that SolidWorks imports STEP files as surfaces, not solid bodies? Is that a function of how the original file was saved?
What I really want is to import the STEP file...
Machine: Windows 7 Pro 3.5 GHZ i& quad core 16GB ram 2GB Quaddro K2000D video card
I have a simple sketch of lines, maybe 40 or 50 little lines, making 6 enclosed areas
Use sketch pattern to make 10 x 2 wide pattern.
Use Wrap to try and put on a simple curved extruded surface.
It takes like...
New SW 2014 user....I am having hard time managing all my data on the screen, what I want to do is group together a large group of similar surfaces or other bodies into groups and then Hide / Show the whole group at one time quick and easy.
Here is my example:
I imported 40 or 50 surfaces from...
I am running Windows 7 Pro/ SP1 Intel i7-4770K 3.5 GHz 16 GB RAM workstation
My video card is a NVIDIA K2000D with 2 GB RAM
My problem is that I expected my display in SolidWOrks 2014 to be much more stable and very crisp and detailed, especially with only a few parts or a simple assembly. I...
New SW 2014 user
Checked the archive, did not see an answer to my problem...
I created a sketch of a 2D spiral curve, then Extrude Surface. This creates a spiral surface.
Next, I created another 2D sketch, lines and curves, tangent to the spiral surface.
Then using Wrap, I can place the...
...drag it back close to my part, the section cutting line is not locked in the vertical position, it will elt me drag it to anywhere, of course F%^&*^ ing up the desired orientation of my section view.
Why does SW let you define a vertical or horizontal section line if it doesn't lock the line...
Anna, made sure the setting was off. Check
SBaugh, tried playing around with the position of the freeze bar, did not seem to make much difference in the preformance of the model further down the tree.
Only poistive thing I find is to suppress the previous patterns while each new pattern is being...