Without having read the whole thread - what I miss most from other CAD systems (Solid Edge, SolidWorks, and Inventor):
1) The idea of flexible sub-assemblies
2) The always live sketch coloring of what lines are fully constrained or not
3) The simplicity and effectiveness of Solid Edge's...
Sorry if I wasn't clear:
When adding components to an NX assembly it'll give unique callout numbers to each instance of a component. When I go to add the parts list I end up getting a [...] in the PC NO field as it is grabbing the callout field and can't understand what to do with...
Found a thread that articulates this - we use a TC environment so we'll have to modify the defaults there. Does anyone know the resolution to the last comment regarding TC and if it is able to maintain a "Find No" less than 10?
Hey all,
Working with parts list (coming from Autodesk Inventor) and I am trying to understand how the callout number gets generated when adding a component to an assembly. In Inventor this was fairly automated, and I have figured out how to edit them once I have generated a specification...