I should have been more specific regarding the concrete. It's a 2" topping slab over the plywood. Still adds significant weight unusual to a wood framed building.
Thanks for your thoughts! And yes, construction timeline is a good thought. I think we'd still be ok... It's a 2 story building with concrete on the upper floor. (the exterior wall is sheathed and takes seismic and wind, the interior wall only has gyp and is load bearing. we may add gussets...
The studs are 2x4 at 24" on center. The architect is using advanced framing and wants to minimize wood use as much as possible. That is why I wanted to look at bracing with gyp. I cannot decrease the stud spacing.
I am designing a structure built with two wood double stud walls. The interior wall is load bearing. Would it be reasonable to assume that the gyp board could brace the studs out of plane? I am assuming I would have to spec a minimum panel size and connections.
It's for a low-impact development. So we are using diamond piers as the foundation system. The architect would like to show off the minimal impact of the foundation. Thus keeping it open as opposed to shearwall below.
I should clarify. I definitely hear you about the soft story issue. The cantilivered columns are at the crawl space level and will be at most 2-3' tall. (I've also considered using HSS posts but I think that would be out of the budget). There will be about 10 posts each wall line, so a good...
Basic question:
I have a two story wood duplex with shearwalls. Below the main floor, for various reasons, I would like to use a cantilivered wood column system. I'm not quite sure how to combine the loads to get the correct base shear. At the moment, I am using:
V = Cs*W(upper flrs) +...