Using native.
Once the results file .OP2 is loaded, Stress-Elemental, Von Mises, and I have the correct 3D element "body" selected/displayed, I use the File, Export, JT... Current work around would be to ask the user for a name each time or at the beginning of the export. Typically we only...
Would you know how to get the name of each of the components in the 3D Container? I've attached a screenshot and my current code.
I'm trying to create a vb journal that will create streamlines from groups I have created. For each node in the group, I cannot find how to get the coordinates. See attached journal. Currently failing at the line below, (line 64).
seedsetId1 = theSession.Post.CreateStreamlineSeedSet(1...
I am trying to create a NX 7.5 vb journal that would automate the exporting of JT files of each 3D element body within FEA results. I need help in getting the postview ID, group containers in results (i.e. ThreeDimensional, Connector, OneDimensional), and the name of the 3D Element body...
That did the trick.
Function select_an_edge(ByRef obj As Edge)
Dim ui As UI = NXOpen.UI.GetUI()
Dim mask(0) As Selection.MaskTriple
With mask(0)
.Type = UFConstants.UF_caegeom_type
.Subtype = UFConstants.UF_caegeom_edge_subtype...
Using NX7.5 Advanced Simulation and trying to create a journal to automate a routine of selecting multiple polygon edges on which to apply a load for multiple subcases. Looking through the .NET reference and can't find command for selection manager to allow selection of polygon edges...