What is the best practice to protect the equipment ?
In my mind, I'd like to limit the current so the motor will not blow my power supply. I think the fuse I want is to protect the relay, the pump and the board.
Thank you
Thank you for your help,
I'll add some more information
The motor is in fact a piston pump. The load is always the same. There is not a big pressure and not a big flow.
Thank you Mike,
I'll look for the datasheets of my SSR, I'm pretty sure he's not intended for motor starting. But we have a lot of unit shipped and I did'nt get any problem with the SSR (maybe the fuse is protecting it and if I try a bigger fuse I'll get problem with the relay).
what is the...
I have a small circuit :
The parameter of the fuse : little green lookalike resistor 5A.
relay : 3.5A, 5A peak (1sec)
motor : 3.3A, 12V. When stopped, the resistance of the motor is 1ohm.
The problem I can see:
When the motor start, it consume about 12A...