Apologies - this is my first time back in the office since your replies...
Synchronous modelling was good, but wouldn't quite yield the results I was after.
Global shaping hit the nail on the head - thanks.
Hello all,
I hope this makes some sense, it's not too easy to explain....
I have a step file supplied to me by a customer. It is a portion of an annular component. It is machined and assembled in to a ring. In order to compensate for some contraction during our process I need to 'stretch' the...
I have noted that I can drag the default points, but it is not clear when the location of the dragged default point is exactly the same as the corner of the surface in question.
Hello all,
Having just changed from 7.5 to 8 we are struggling with the change in dialogue on the Variable offset Surface command.
In 7.5 we were able to select specific points on the surface and specify the offset at that point.
In 8 after select the surface we are presented with a rectangle...
Now I have a clearer understanding of the heal geometry function I think it is time to admit defeat - it seems I have been supplied a sows ear, and was expecting too much from heal geometry. We manufacture some complex castings and resolving all these issues in order to interrogate the mass can...
I don't understand the relationship between these tolerances...
I have 2 sheets which overlap by 0.0027. I have used the default sew tolerance of 0.001 and adjusted the Heal Geometry tolerance both higher and lower than than the mismatch - 0.003 & 0.001.
Neither has made any discernable...
Good morning,
I am using NX8 currently and most of the work we do with it involves bastardising unparameterised bodies (from .igs and .stp files supplied by customers).
More often than not the first thing we have to do is a sew operation to create a solid. Sometimes straight forward, but...
Good afternoon,
I am using NX7.5 and drafting in the same file as the model. I want to add equidistant dimensions / symbols to 2 points either side of a centreline.
Can anyone tell me how to do this please? I can add 2 dimensions which have the same value, but how do I add the '=' sign...