I am using HydroCAD
1. Culvert (outfall pipe out of raised structure)
2. Orifice/Grate (raised structure)
3. Culvert (6" Perforated pipe embedded in bench)
4. Orifice/Grate (Bench)
Can you model a perforated pipe? I've read a few different threads that it can be difficult. Also, modeling a gravel trench that contains the perforated pipe, there were different opinions on the limiting factor as far as infiltration either being the open graded stone or perforation in the...
I am trying to layout the outlet devices and which devices to use. The permanent pool is constant at the bench elevation, which in this drawing is set at "Elev D", only volume over this elevation will be directed into the underdrain gravel trench. The underdrain will not allow draw down below...
Looking for some feedback on how to model this drawing. The wetpond has a permanent pool elevation that is based on impervious area conveying to the pond. The permanent pool elevation is set based on that volume, any additional runoff will then overtop the bench and flow into the underdrain...