Thank you for your reply Michaël. But I think that that variable is only used for direct connections and not with the TCCS.
HTTP 1.1 might not be the problem after all, even though the proxy error message led me to believe that.
The actual error from the proxy is "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request"...
A new problem has emerged...
It seems that the FMS uses HTTP 1.1 to communicate and our proxy does not support that.
Does anyone know if it is possible to change it to HTTP 1.0?
I solved it!
Starting the tccs manually with starttccs.bat showed:
ERROR - None - 2013/05/08-08:55:11,554 UTC - A0165 - Mismatched TCCS_CONFIG_HOME
Client: C:\ProgramData\Siemens\cfg\tccs
Setting the environment variable TCCS_CONFIG_HOME for starttccs.bat solved it and...
We need to use a proxy to connect over the internet from a NX client to a Teamcenter server. I think that this can only be done by TCCS.
I have installed TCCS. TCCS starts and connects to the fcc without any problems.
But when I try to start NX using: ugraf -pim=yes -u=username...
When saving to Teamcenter we get Named References of the type "UG-QuickAccess-Binary" in the Dataset. These contain jpeg-files named for example: images_model_views_NAME_OF_MODEL_VIEW.qaf
We would like to use these to display model views outside of NX. But they are very small, 247 × 185 pixels...