The intersection curve I am working with looks similar to the outside edge of a NIKE swoosh, but a bit flatter. I am using Imperial units and I did use a solid section type for the section inertia analysis. I am seeing deltas of about 0.003 inches between the section inertia and measure bodies...
I actually have one more question. Should I expect a difference in centroid between the Section Inertia and the Measure bodies? I am seeing a difference in centroid between using the Section Inertia with an intersection curve vs. Measure Bodies with an extrude made from that same intersection curve.
Yes I have. I use a tolerance of 0.0001 when using the analysis using curves command. If I use a larger tolerance (ex. 0.01) the values are more similar to those of the measure body command. Is there a way to increase the tolerances when using measure bodies?
When I compare the analysis of curves command for the face of my body and an intersection (or section) curve at the same point my delta is 0.0004 inches in the X and 0.0003 inches in the Y.
Comparing the analysis of curves of an intersection curve to the measure body of an extruded...
I am trying to create a C# program that finds the centroid of a face and I have a few questions about the different centroid calculating tools in NX 7.5.5.
Why are my centroid measurements different when I use the Measure Body command versus when I use the area using curves command...